Virtual Aupair
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Virtual Au Pair is an online study and childcare platform designed to assist busy parents and overwhelmed children.
We offer a wide range of services from summaries to a parent portal and nanny services.
Virtual Au Pair loves children. Our biggest goal is to see children exceed their academic capabilities and have fun doing so.


Academic achievement and the expectations that go along with it puts so much pressure on children and parents. We designed summaries that will assist children during exams. All our summaries are visually exciting, grabbing children’s attention whilst making learning fun.

Our summaries are CAPS (Curriculum Assessment Policy Statements) aligned and our assessments are excellent tools to prepare for any exam.

We have a great built in feature called "flash tests". Flash tests are assessments done online, no printing will be needed, and parents receive results immediately, meaning you can monitor your child’s progress in each subject. These tests are of high standard. We challenge children during these tests to ensure they learn problem solving while preparing them for an exam.


Technology is such a big part of our children’s lives, why not use it to save time and give children access to their study material any time and place. Studying the fifteen minutes between practice makes a huge difference specially if you can also do a quick test with your friends.


All our summaries can be printed if needed, but for the environmental friendlies, these summaries are easy to study on any smart device.

Member activity, including viewing history and test results, can be monitored by the parent. Each child gets his/her own login to access only the study material and tests.

Parents have access to visual progress charts for all Virtual Au Pair tests.


Family is the most important thing in life. We want to be a part of every family in our country, bettering the lives of children along this virtual academic journey.

Become part of our family, where we put the FUN back in studying.
